Vaccination is a critical component to the well being and health of your horse. It is also a regulation in many sporting associations that horses/ponies be kept fully up to date with their vaccines.
The Flu and Tet protocol is as follows:
Initial course:
1st Flu and tetanus
2nd Flu and tetanus 4-6 weeks after the 1st injection. (Although the Jockey club etc. are happy with Min/max 21-92 days, we advise injecting at 4-6 weeks as per the manufacturers recommendation.)
3rd Flu and tetanus 5 months after the 2nd injection. (Although the Jockey club etc. are happy with Min/max 150-215 days, we advise injecting at 5 monthas per the manufacturers recommendation.)
Flu – annually (364 days or less from the date of the 3rd injection)
Tetanus – two years after the 3rd injection then every 2 years
For more information on the diseases caused by Equine Influenza and Tetanus, please consult our fact sheets.
For some horses a course of tetanus only may be appropriate, the protocol is as follows:
Initial course
1st Tetanus
2nd Tetanus (4-6 weeks after 1st injection)
One year after the initial course, then every two years thereafter.
Disclaimer Every effort is made to ensure that you are reminded when vaccinations are due, however it is ultimately your responsibility to make sure the vaccinations are kept up to date. Failure to do so will result in the initial vaccine course having to be repeated, so please check your passport for when your next vaccine is due.
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